Sunday, June 12

Should you learn Phyton or R ? - For Aspiring Data Science Students

Why Python is preferred for data science

  • Guido van Rossum created Python
  • Python was released in 1989. It has been around for a long time, and it is object-oriented
  • IPython / Jupyter’s notebook IDE is excellent.
  • There’s a large ecosystem. For example, Scikit-Learn’s page receives 150,000 – 160,000 unique visitors per month.
  • There’s Anaconda from Continuum Analytics, making package management very easy.
  • The Pandas library makes it simple to work with data frames and time series data.

Why R is preferred for data science

  • John Chambers created R and prior to that he created S
  • R was created in 1992, after Python, and was therefore able to learn from Python’s lessons.
  • Rcpp makes it very easy to extend R with C++.
  • RStudio is a mature and excellent IDE.
  • CRAN has many machine learning algorithms and statistical tools.
  • The Caret package makes it easy to use different algorithms from 1 single interface, much like what Scikit-Learn in Python
I started by learning R and then picked up Phyton. I personally think Phyton is much more versatile than R but it is good to learn both the languages.

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