Wednesday, June 28

"Service Before Self" - From 10 meter MSL to our boys defending the borders at 5000 meter MSL

I have been a fan of Indian armed forces since I was a kid. After 12th standard I did appear for the NDA entrance exam but I did not clear the exam. When I started working I decided I will contribute a small portion of my salary to the armed forces and started contributing to PM fund with  a special note that I want to contribute for the Indian army and I have bunch of letters from Prime Minister that are sent to everyone who contributes to PM Fund.
                        Every time we have a situation where army/navy/airforce are called into action I can't help but feel proud of the selfless service by these young men. I believe as long as a man serves in the armed forces he is young and that's why we sometimes call them 'Our boys' out of our love, admiration & affection for them. Our boys, our brothers & sisters, our sons & daughters who serve with the motto 'Service before Self' are on call 24/7, 365 days and their are no holidays when you serve the motherland. And what can we say about the families of these brave hearts who have encouraged their sons & daughters to join armed forces but to salute them. I get pained when certain politicians and so called human right activist criticize the Indian army without studying the history of Indian army.

History is witness that Indian army has always been called by civilian government to help protect from enemy and there has not been  single instance where army has taken any step without orders from the civilian government. A government elected by the people works on people's agenda and in people's interest so when you criticize the army you are actually criticizing your own vote, the vote of the majority of Indians.
                                 If you do not like army to be called in by the government then you should have voted for a government of your choice that does not take help of army to maintain peace. Assuming people understand this and they should criticize the government decision and not just criticize the government but also educate the government on what alternatives they have. Sadly people who criticize the government do not seem to have any clue to an alternate solution.

Successive governments have deployed army in J&K. Does governments have any option  but to deploy army when they are fighting terrorism sponsored by a neighboring country? Do these critics expect NGOs to fight the heavily armed enemy that is attacking J&K? Or do they expect civilian government to pickup guns themselves and protect the Kashmiri's from terrorists and Pakistani army? Or do these critics want India to give away a piece of our land to enemy country without resistance? Fine if that is what critics want then do these critics have enough numbers to elect a government that supports their mandate to give away J&K? Or are these critics only a handful of jokers who attack the government to get few minutes of TV publicity? Or are these handful of critics funded by agencies who want to break India? I often wonder how the NGOs that talk in support of terrorist get their funds from outside India and why would someone in another country sponsor these NGO is not to cause unrest in India.
Where were these critics when army gets called to save flood victims & earth quake victims? Is that the job of the army & police or of National Disaster Management Force? When the nation needs them the armed forces (airforce, navy & army) have been asked to help is all possible areas and they have never failed the country - forget about complaining, because complaining is not in the DNA of Indian Armed forces.

These critics are not smart enough to visualize what will happen if we remove forces from J&K or other border state? Before you know the enemy will reach their Airconditioned cabins in Delhi where these critics of India hibernate & protest. Why in the hell should a man do his duty at Siachen Glacier, 5000 meter above Mean sea level if not to protect his country men?

  1. These people do not know that Indian army is the biggest voluntary army n the world . We do not force people to serve in army they join of their own will
  2.  Unlike other government organizations and institutions in India, there are no provisions for reservations based on caste or religion in Indian armed forces.
  3. The Indian Army is not just about guns and bombs . Army has some smartest engineers who have built the highest bridge 'Bailey bridge' in the world. 
  4.  The Military Engineering Services (MES) is one of the biggest construction agencies in India. They have built roads and bridges in areas where no other agency would dare to venture.
  5. The Operation Rahat (2013) in Uttarakhand was one of the biggest civilian rescue operations ever carried out in the world.
  6. The Indo Pakistan War of 1971 came to end with the surrender of about 93,000 combatants and officials of the Pakistani Army. This is the largest surrender of POW after World War2
  7. The UN acknowledges that Indian Army is one of the biggest troop contributors to the United Nations peace making operations.
  8. Indian army is considered among the very best in high altitude and mountain warfare.
  9. Indian army often trains soldiers from USA, UK & Russia as they are considered best in Jungle warfare.
You cannot imagine the life of these men sitting in cozy rooms with AC and room heater so that your body does not face the adverse change in temperature all the year through. So dear critics don't even bother to get out of your rooms you were meant to stagnate & die in your temperature controlled rooms. But when you attack the army or the government you are indirectly attacking the people of India who have voted for the government and who support the governments decision to deploy army to defend India & its citizen. And if you are attacking me for my decision to vote for a government & army that defends India's sovereignty then I am not going to take it lying down. You attack us on social media, TV or on the roads  and we Indians will protest against you and expose your anti-national mindset that makes you criticize your own country men and our army. One cannot help but think who sponsors these critics who dont have jobs but still have money to take care of their family, Who finances the critics who come to TV every day to attack the army & government? Who sponsors their business class air tickets to foreign countries for pleasure and attending conferences to criticize India? What is the motive of a bunch of Indians critics who seem to have single motive of defaming armed forces and governments that are protecting our people and our sovereignty? Why are these people concerned about Human Rights of Terrorist but not concerned about Human Rights of the ordinary citizen killed by terrorist & naxals? And if critics & NGOs are concerned about HUman Rights of ordinary Indian why do we not see them on the road protesting against the terrorist in J&K, against the stone pelters who attack the police? Why don't the critics & NGO's protest against the naxals in Uttarakhand, Maharashra & Andhra or the Pakistani government that is not just ignoring but sponsoring and protecting terrorist?

Some people protested the actions of Major Gogoi. What would you do Mr.Critic if you were the soldier were given duty to protect 15 poll officials and 200 civilians start to throw stones at you? Assuming you would sacrifice your life what about poll officials, would you let them die?  Major Gogoi had presense of mind. He could have opened fire but he chose not to fire as many civilians could have got killed. He chose to use a surprise element by putting the leader of stone pelters on his jeep so that people were taken by surprise and he got opportunity to save lives of polll officials and his men. Why should army not be proud of such officers who show presence of mind? This is a classic case study that should be used to train army on how to deal with a misled mob of your own country men. Mr Critic, while shouting and screaming you have avoided answering the question, what would you do if you were in Major Gogoi's shoes? Answer that and we can have a meaningful debate. If Major Gogoi was your son you would be proud of him, a soldier who chose not to use gun and yet saved lives. Salute to Major Gogoi and the army that imparts training to shape such smart soldiers. Entire world should be proud of Major Gogoi, Indian army and their respect for human life.
                                         I did not see any NGO protesting against Pakistan for the innocents killed in terror attacks by Pakistani terrorist with audio & video proof of handlers in Pakistan. Are these critics just stray dogs who can bark against their own people's interest but are afraid to raise voice against the REAL terror mongers of the world? Or is criticizing government and army become a new business to earn a living and feeding your family? It must be very shameful for their children to tell their friends that my father/mother earn their living by criticizing my motherland and defending terrorist who attack our country! I hope better sense prevails and these critics realize that in the world today, their existence & sleep is possible because of the forces that protect the country. It is in extreme bad taste  to criticize the people who are defending India and if you are so concerned then mobile people, form a government who ratifies your views and then decide the deployment of Indian army or would you rather prefer to live in Pakistan that is controlled by Pakistani army & cannot take a decision without approval of the army?

I salute the army boys ob vigil from 10 meter Mean Sea Level to 5000 meter Mean Sea Level because in them we trust like nobody else. Jai Hind!

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