Tuesday, August 4

16) What implementation should an enterprise prioritize - Mobile Applications,SaaS or Big Data?

Mobile Revolution, SaaS & Big Data followed in succession. Each of these technologies changed the playing field and churned the markets. Yet their are over 70% enterprises that have not implemented mobile platforms, over 90% enterprises that have not leveraged SaaS and over 99% enterprises that have not taken any Big Data initiative as yet. Don't worry about the accuracy of numbers because this is my conservative estimate and real numbers could vary by a huge 20% but the proportion of implementation should be very close.

And for the enterprises that have yet to implement any of these 3 technologies it is quite a clallenge, There are enterprises that were on the verge of building their mobile platforms and suddenly got hit by the SaaS wave and then the Big Data wave.
                            Mobile Platform roll out is a challenge by itself and I have worked on projects that have gone back and forth on mobility platform at times because of lack of understanding of the mobility architecture and at other times due to their rigid service layer which would have to be rebuilt to cater to the mobile platform because of the 'Different Nature & Requirements of Mobile User Interface'. The challenge is around using your existing architecture ad capabilities to support the Mobile Application instead of replicating and rebuilding applications for mobile & we can say the challenge is to implement a classic Service Oriented Architecture to reuse the existing services of the enterprise applications.
                            SaaS or Software as a Service is  value proposition and the need of the hour but it will take some time for enterprises to move to SaaS.  To implement SaaS in true sense, apart from the challenges faced by Mobile implementation there are additional challenges across architecture layers. The good part is that three are multiple 'Multi-Tenancy Models' and an enterprise can implement SaaS incrementally and still derive the benefits of the shared model. My opinion is enterprise should start Mobile & SaaS implementation in parallel. Of course the need an experienced architect to guide them and the 1st step of each implementation would be to build a working prototype.It is also very important to educate the employee of the structural and cultural changes that come along adapting these 2 technologies but that is something we will not discuss here.
                          Finally Big Data, the Big Daddy everybody wants to tell the world that they have Got It Tamed but nobody knows whats will be the end result. No kidding! Ask Apple, Amazon, Bestbusy, IBM, Telstra, AT&T and many other who got started with a humble goal. This is because unless you have a clear understanding of the varacity of Bog Data for your enterprise and its applicability to various areas of business it does not make sense to invest in Big Data. So first things first is to study the changing industry landscape, revisit the enterprise vision and update it and then define the Big Data Vision. I think it is clear that Big Data implementation can follow as you start implementing Mobility and SaaS or even better have all three programs run in parallel if you can. I will be happy to exchange learning's with these technologies if you drop me a mail. Cheers!

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